Sustainability Plan

Small Steps, Big Impact:

A Guide to Making Your Household More Sustainable

Assess your current environmental impact:

Review your household's daily routines, monthly chores, and activities outside of the household:

  • Make a list of all the activities that your household engages in on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

  • Identify which activities consume the most resources and generate the most waste.

  • Consider areas such as transportation, food choices, energy usage, water usage, waste generation and disposal, and purchasing habits.Use tools such as energy bills, water bills, and waste audits to help quantify your household's impact.

Use tools such as energy bills, water bills, and waste audits to help quantify your household's impact:

  • Review your energy and water bills to identify patterns in usage and see which appliances or activities are using the most energy and water.

  • Conduct a waste audit by collecting and sorting your household's trash and recycling for a week or two. This will help you identify which items are being thrown away most frequently and which items could be recycled or composted instead.

By completing this assessment, you'll have a clearer understanding of your household's environmental impact and the areas in which you can make changes to reduce your footprint. This information will also help you set realistic and achievable sustainability goals for your household.


Set sustainability goals:

Specific: Make sure your goals are clear and specific.

  • Identify the area or activity you want to address and be specific about the action you want to take.

  • For example, instead of setting a goal to "reduce energy usage," set a goal to "turn off lights and unplug appliances when not in use."

Measurable: Ensure that your goals are measurable.

  • Set a quantifiable target or metric that you can use to measure your progress.

  • For example, instead of setting a goal to "use less water," set a goal to "reduce water usage by 20% compared to the previous month.

Achievable: Make sure your goals are achievable.

  • Consider your household's lifestyle and resources when setting your goals.

  • For example, if your household relies heavily on driving, it may not be feasible to set a goal to "bike to work every day."

Relevant: Ensure that your goals are relevant to your household's sustainability objectives.

  • Consider the environmental impact of each goal and make sure it aligns with your household's values and priorities.

  • For example, if reducing food waste is a priority for your household, set a goal to "compost food scraps and leftovers instead of throwing them away."

Time-bound: Set a timeframe for achieving your goals.

  • Establish a deadline or timeframe for achieving your goals to help you stay accountable.

  • For example, instead of setting a goal to "reduce waste," set a goal to "reduce waste by 50% by the end of the month."

By setting SMART sustainability goals, you'll have a clear roadmap for achieving a more sustainable lifestyle for your household. Remember to keep your goals realistic and achievable, and celebrate your progress along the way!


Develop an action plan:

Create a list of actions:

  • Make a list of actions that you and your family can take to achieve each of your sustainability goals.

  • Be specific and identify the action steps needed to achieve each goal.

  • For example, if your goal is to reduce energy usage, your list of actions could include: turning off lights and appliances when not in use, upgrading to energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances, and sealing air leaks in doors and windows.

Prioritize actions:

  • Review your list of actions and prioritize them based on their potential impact and feasibility.

  • Consider which actions will have the most significant impact on reducing your environmental footprint and which actions are feasible for your household to implement.

  • Focus on the actions that are both high-impact and feasible.

Assign responsibilities:

  • Assign responsibilities to each family member to ensure everyone is involved and committed to achieving your sustainability goals.

  • Make sure that each family member has a clear understanding of their responsibilities and is invested in achieving the household's sustainability objectives.

  • Consider using a family agreement or contract to help hold everyone accountable.

Determine a timeline:

  • Set a timeline for implementing each action step and achieving your sustainability goals.

  • Break larger goals into smaller, more manageable milestones to help you stay on track and motivated.

Track progress:

  • Regularly track your progress towards achieving your sustainability goals.

  • Celebrate successes along the way and adjust your plan as needed to stay on track.

By developing a clear action plan for achieving your sustainability goals, you'll have a roadmap for making lasting changes that reduce your environmental footprint. Remember to keep your plan flexible and adjust it as needed, and involve your family in the process to ensure everyone is invested in achieving your household's sustainability objectives.


Implement the plan:

Start making changes:

  • Begin by implementing the actions identified in your action plan.

  • Start with the actions that are most feasible and have the highest potential impact on reducing your environmental footprint.

  • Gradually work your way towards implementing all of the actions in your plan.

Use tracking tools:

  • Use tracking tools such as a sustainability calendar or a habit tracker to help you stay on track with implementing your sustainability plan.

  • Set reminders or alerts to help you remember to take action on a daily or weekly basis.

  • Record your progress and celebrate your successes along the way.

Consider using incentives or rewards:

  • Use incentives or rewards to motivate you and your family to stick to your sustainability plan.

  • Consider rewards such as a family outing to a local park or a special dinner made with sustainably sourced ingredients.

  • Make sure the rewards align with your household's values and priorities.

Evaluate progress:

  • Regularly evaluate your progress towards achieving your sustainability goals.

  • Celebrate your successes and make adjustments to your plan as needed.

  • Revisit your action plan and consider adding new actions to continue making progress towards reducing your environmental footprint.

By implementing your sustainability plan, you'll be making positive changes in your household that reduce your environmental impact. Remember to stay committed, use tracking tools and incentives to help you stay on track, and celebrate your successes along the way.


Monitor and adjust:

Regularly monitor your progress:

  • Use the tracking tools identified in your action plan to monitor your progress towards achieving your sustainability goals.

  • Regularly review your energy bills, water bills, and waste generation to determine if you're making progress towards reducing your environmental footprint.

  • Keep track of any challenges or obstacles you face along the way.

Make adjustments to your plan:

  • Use the feedback you receive from family members and your own observations to make adjustments to your sustainability plan.

  • If an action isn't working, consider modifying it or replacing it with a different action.

  • If an action is working well, consider expanding it to include additional family members or increasing the frequency of the action.

Celebrate successes:

  • Celebrate the successes you achieve along the way, no matter how small.

  • Celebrate when you achieve milestones or reach your sustainability goals.

  • Celebrate by having a family outing or doing something that aligns with your household's values and priorities.

By monitoring your progress and making adjustments to your sustainability plan, you'll be able to stay on track towards achieving your sustainability goals. Remember to celebrate your successes along the way, and don't get discouraged by challenges or setbacks. By working together as a family, you can make lasting changes that reduce your environmental footprint and create a better world for future generations.